Your Mindset Matters

Do you have a positive growth mindset when it comes to your business? Your mindset matters, and can contribute to your success.

Why does Mindset Matter?

Mindset = Focus.

It’s what you choose to focus on and in turn reflects your attitude. Are you focusing on the positive or are you focusing on the negative? Because your mindset can set the tone for your entire day, your entire year, even your entire career.

Your Vibe Attracts Your Tribe

Your Vibe attracts your Tribe. People will be drawn to the energy you are giving off. On Social Media and in Life. Because the “vibe” is based on your mindset, which is a reflection of your thoughts & your attitude. You control what you focus on, what you think about. Does bad stuff happen – absolutely – every day – to everyone. But how you choose to react to that situation is in your control.

Act, Don’t React

My Dad was a preacher growing up. Yep – I’m a PK (explains a lot doesn’t it). One of my favorite messages was on communication from Ephesians 4 – I’ve always remembered this quote from him and I think it applies to so many more areas of life than just communication – Like Mindset!

Act – don’t React. I AM in control of my actions , how I choose to respond. Instead of “reacting” to your situation. Take a moment to think about what your best course of action is and ACT, don’t REACT! Ask yourself, “What CAN I do to make this situation better?”

Give yourself time to Develop the Right Mindset

Give yourself time and develop the roots you need to sustain the growth that you want to happen in your business. The right mindset can help you develop the habits you need to sustain that growth.

We live in a world of instant gratification. Whatever we want is right at our fingertip, isn’t it? Groceries, Take out, Shopping, Movies – it’s all right there in the palm of our hands for instant gratification.

But Success doesn’t come instantly. If you’re feeling like this business isn’t working – that it’s not paying off, could it be that your roots are still growing under the surface? Did you give yourself the time you need to grow your roots? Roots can mean knowledge, strategies, tools, resources – all the things you need to equip yourself to run a successful business.

Consistent Mindset Matters

Developing strong roots takes consistency – so does changing your mindset! You’re not going to get in shape because you worked out one time. Your’e not going to save money because you put $20 in the piggy bank one time. Your’e not going to loose weight because you ate one salad. But if you do them again and again and again consistently, you will get in shape, save money, or loose weight. Do you see the pattern here? Whatever it is that you need to do to grow your business – do it consistently, again and again and again.

Don’t Run Away from Challenges

Challenges are what force you to grow. If you run from them and don’t tackle what it takes to learn how to do something different to get different results – you’ll never grow.

I’m always learning, even after 15 years in this business I learn something new every week because I am looking for things to learn! Take advantage of resource in your brand space.

Maybe that’s listening to a Podcast, Reading a blog, Watching a YouTube Video, or Taking a Training Course.

Be Authentic

Attract the right kind of people to work with by being authentic. Find the people that want to do business the way you are doing business by being completely authentic. People can see through you! If you aren’t being your true self – people can tell and it turns them off.

Direct Sales are not cookie cutter. You will not do it exactly like someone else. Your niche will be a little different which means your success will be a little different. So avoid the trap of comparing yourself to anyone else.

What makes you different? Your personality already has a built-in specialty. This is your highest value. It’s what makes you fascinating.

Branding Specialist, Sally Hogshead

Sally Hogshead, branding specialist, helps you create your own fascinating tagline that’s unique to you—an anthem that’s applicable to all situations and guaranteed to help you be your best and most authentic self.

Don’t deny what makes you different, instead lean into it, learn more about how to make it a strength in your niche. This is how you stay authentic! Take Sally’s Fascination Advantage assessment to learn more about what makes you different.

View Failure in a Different Way

Failure is only Fatal if you Stop. You’ll never know your true potential if you quit. Sometimes Success is just not giving up – that Pot of Gold – that magical moment of success might be in the next swing. But if you stop – you’ll never know. If you run out and start yet another business – you are back at square one. Apply the same amount of effort into what you are already doing and you might see results faster.

So I make a sale the 7th time I promote a product – it’s likely not because there was magic in that 7th post! It’s because someone saw me talk about it for the 7th time and decided to take action. But if I had only promoted 6 times – I would have failed.

I started an Avon Team in 2005. I started with only 5 representatives. And quickly learned that each of them weren’t as committed to the business as I was, which meant I needed to work to replace them as quickly as I was loosing them.

I did so many things wrong before I learned to do them right! It wasn’t until about 2017 that I decided to change my mindset, to learn how to do things differently, to create an online presence for my business, and to be the Avon mentor & upline leader for others that I had needed for those 12 years prior.

Something happened during those last couple years – something finally clicked. Now as I look back, it had a lot to do with mindset matters. What I allowed my mind to focus on & worry about. I now have the privilege of leading the fastest growing team in the Nation, ranking #1 in Team Growth. I now dedicate my time to helping teach & train others within my brand space learn to Run a Successful Avon Business of their own. My free training is available on my website, with content on my YouTube channel, collaboration in our Facebook group for all Avon Reps, Timeless Beauty Lessons.

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Collaborate with Emily and her Nationally Ranked leaders by Joining Timeless Beauty Lessons on Facebook, a group for all Avon Reps to network, share tips, and learn from others.

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